Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Do you prefer girls with make up or natural ?

I don't care what other people prefer, I don't own 1 piece of makeup and I'm damn proud.Do you prefer girls with make up or natural ?
I like to be natural, i almost never wear makeup. Makeup should be used for special occasions. Mascara and lipgloss is fine though, but no foundation or any other.Do you prefer girls with make up or natural ?
I love natural! I don't wear makeup and I'm proud of it! I don't need to because everyone else does. I can be different and unique. I don't care about what people think of me. Makeup is ugly!!!!
natural beauty is always best but with make up u can highlight ur best facial characteristics to bring out that extra glow =)
Sometimes natural but other times with a bit of mascara and lip gloss.
I'm a girl (not gay or anything) but I think girls should wear an average amount of makeup NOT A CAKEFACE

Like I just wear eyeshadow and eyeliner :D
Natural beauty is obz prettier then your face covered in nasty make-up which looks really bad.

But i think a normal amount of make-up is always good, not too much foundation as i've discovered its not a good look to be orange.

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