on a woman ofcourse, im curiouse to hear what you think, and could you tell why you have this preference, thanks guy'sGuys, what do you prefer? make up or natural?
Natural. I like natural beauty plus its closer to the face I'll see waking up in the morning. lolGuys, what do you prefer? make up or natural?
Erm it completely depends. With my ex girlfriend she looked just as beautiful without the make-up as she did with. One girl i know she looks way prettier without make-up on. But i think more of the time i prefer seeing girls without their makeup on because it hides who they are. But i guess on a first date and things like that its understandable to have make-up on. So natural is good too :)
basically it's what you're used to seeing. if you're used to seeing a woman who looks more natural then you won't really prefer her to wear makeup. but if you always see a girl with mak up then you prefer her to stay that way. unless of course she decides not to wear it suddenly, after a while you'll get used to it and wonder what the problem was
I like natural, but a little bit of make-up is not a bad thing...I think girls look fine without make-up all over their face, and it is a bit of a turn off when a girl has it loaded on and looks a bit like a clown...at that point make-up looks bad
Natural is good, but a bit of make-up (not a lot) is okay
Natural, a girl with loads of makeup looks so plastic
I love seeing my girl first thing in the morning, without wearing any makeup, that is when she shows me just how beautiful she is and does not need any makeup......................
Then she kicks the butt out of getting ready!!!!
No, seriously, natural looks better as it shows us the real you and if you look pretty without makeup, as let's face it, u can make yourself up to look pretty
I think natural looking make up is best. I always slap a bit of foundation on and some eyeliner.mascara. its doesnt dramatically change the way i look but it makes my skinlook even and my eyes look a little brighter
definitely make-up!!! natural looks ugly. well that's just what i think anyway. just keep the make-up looking natural!!
i suppose natural. although im a girl i will still answer. im allergic to make up but dont need it. i dont get spots. would you want to kiss a girl and come back with foundation on your nose?
natural if ur already pretty enough , or use whatever makes u brighter , but if ur naturaly pretty that surely will be better
Some women just can't go natrual wi-out the harsh realities of nature, otherwise, hellyah natrual is better then Tammy Faye..
Almost every guy will tell you natural is better. For most men they like the idea of going to bed with someone and walking up with the same person they fell asleep with!!!
I can answer for my boyfriend lol natural
He likes seeing my freckles and just likes me with no make-up because he says I don't need it.
natural, cause most girls with make-up looks wierd n watnot!
Natural. Make-up tastes bitter/acidic.
Are there women who look good without make up? I think not.
How good a woman looks is how good they are at make up.
Bit of both but natural with just a little bit does the trick, just don't go OTT.
natural or just a little bit of make up
nartural because the girl always look the same
small amount of make up ,
im just saying wat i think
I pick make up
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