My guy friends claim that they would rather see a girl in her natural skin than make-up, but why is it that girls wear it still? Are they uncomfortable about showing their face to others or what? I don't understand why anyone would want to hide or at least cover up their face. I see girls all the time with tons of make-up: eyeshadow, foundation, blush, lipstick, mascara, fake lashes, and all that. I'm not a person who puts on make-up, because I like how I look myself. I'm satisfied, but have you guys ever wondered that if you were to take off all of a girl's make-up, they'll look hideous?Why is it like this? Make-up Vs. Natural.?
i agree, girls these days put on so much makeup.
im 16, and my mom says i should wear makeup only for when im going out somewhere. she's like against me wearing makeup to school! but i have to admit, i do wear makeup though. VERY LITTLE though. some days its just blush, mascara on another day, and liner on a different day(i dont wear black at all, just purple, it makes my eyes pop) . I play up one feature and dont go overboard. I dont wanna look bad and tired when i go to school, and im certainly not wearing it to impress or getting anyones attention. I do it for myself so i have that little bit of confidence that comes from wearing makeup.
I dont think i look hideous, and im trying to stop wearing makeup all together. Actually, i told myself that this week. And i hardly wear it, like i said, its really subtle.
as for foundation and concealer, i think that is just plain disgusting to wear on your face. so what if you have a small zit on your face? i just go to school like that. the thought of me covering my face with that....i cant even imagine! idk how girls do that!Why is it like this? Make-up Vs. Natural.?
All that make-up you just mentioned is way too much for one girl to wear at a time--trust me, i've been through that phase, and you end up looking very trashy really fast. I doubt you look like crap naturally, honestly. Natural is best I believe, with few additions of makeup, because it reveals your true self, and what you really look like :)
I don't understand either, girls are pretty even without make-up.
You know, a lot of guys prefer natural as opposed to makeup. As to why girls keep putting it on, is not really understood by us guys. Personally I agree with you, when girls put on all that makeup, they just look so fake and its not really appealing. I do think however some girls are able to pull off the makeup look, when they use small amounts, like very small amounts. However, why do girls still put it on in ridiculous amounts even though it doesn't appeal to guys? I personally think girls do this because they are not comfortable with the way they look. They feel they need to hide or divert the guys attention from something, or they think they will look better with more makeup on.
However, thats just my guess. Overall though I think girls from a young age need to get the message that makeup is not attracting to guys, and we would much prefer no makeup to loads of it. Be comfortable with who you really are, without a mask, and a guy will see always be able to see the true beauty which exists
Every guy says '; I don't understand why girls have to wear makeup.'; Some girls need all the makeup....Some don't. However.....they seem to notice you if you have a little makeup on.
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