Natural make up.Poll: Make-up or Natural?
I've seen some pretty girls without make up
and I've seen some who's super pretty with make up...
Either way works :D
I mean some girls doesn't look good with make up on...
They look more beautiful without make up...
So, a simple make up will do...
Just concealers and lipgloss like that... :DPoll: Make-up or Natural?
natural, who wants to look like a clown???
but makeup for specialoccasions, who wants to look like a hobo?
Natural but I need make up so make up when I go out but I HATE make up.
but wear make-up for special occasions!
natural because its more beautiful
i only wear mascara though
Currently I am natural =)
natural. (i only where makeup when its forced like if i have to do a performance.)
Natural. I don't like wearing makeup.
natural makeup :)
natural makeup!
well i like the natural makeup look
a bit of makeup is ok
i would have to say...make-up that LOOKS natural
natural.. cos i can rub my eyes without havin to worry about eyeliner smudging... although that'll mean i'd do it more :O wrinkles!! aargh.
make up, that looks well applied.
on girls i like the natural look
Natural gets my vote.
make up my face is ugly without it
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