Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Poll: Do you like girls to wear no make-up and look natural?

Yes I do! I love a firl leaving her face completely natural, but I can understand them wearing makeup if they have a particularly embarrasing feature.Poll: Do you like girls to wear no make-up and look natural?
I dont have any acne or anything like that, the red on my cheeks just doesnt look natural when it is natural %26amp; all of the kids in my family (including me) always have dark circles under their eyes so I wear it. Makeup makes me look a whole lot better, and my makeup is pretty natural looking.Poll: Do you like girls to wear no make-up and look natural?
Very few people can get away with wearing no makeup. I don't know many people with perfect skin, even skintone, no spots or dark circles, large eyes, etc. Most people need a little help. But that doesn't mean you can't go for natural-looking makeup.
the more expensive the makeup, the better quality.

when guys say they like ';natural'; girls they mean good makeup, applied good, or your just really lucky and pretty without makeup, but some makeup is fun too :)

just dont wear dollar store makeup!!!
personally i go for the natural look cuz its nicer and not as slutty (at least when i wear tonnes of makeup i make it look slutty) but yeah natural or no makeup dosent suit some ppl
i would if i had perfect skin

but unfortunately i get hormonal breakouts

and sever acne has left dark scarring particularly on my cheeks.
Yeah i do.

i only wear mascara and vaselline on my lips.

and somes concealer if i have a dark patch or something:)
if you have clear skin then really their is no reason. just bump the eyeliner and mascara nobody cares bout black line around your eyes.
I like ladies to look whatever way they wish, especially if it is generously applied to their lips.
natural.. basically light eyeshadow. and lil bit of mascara.. %26amp; lipgloss
I don't wear make up...but then again i have a really clean face.

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