Monday, July 26, 2010

Do guys like Girls that wear make up or are all natural?

so completely natural or like mascara?

any imput guysDo guys like Girls that wear make up or are all natural?
boys like natural if not no makeup at all.

trust me

i know this boy who its really cute and every time i met him i was wearing quite a lot of makeup, and he never said anything about the way i looked.

but one time i met him and i was wearing just a few dabs of foundation and a coat of mascara and he told me he looked fit.

so it goes to show boys really like the natural look.

plus i know a girl who thinks shes soo pretty putting pounds and pounds of makeup on and all the boys say to her ';sort your face out you look dirty';

she wears LOADS of foundation. one day she's orange, one day shes yellow or pink, she wears hideous blusher BRIGHT BRIGHT pink,

and she wears thick black eyeliner on her eyes, and she uses liquid eyeliner top AND bottom (very bad for your health) and wears full on white concealer on her lips.

her skins colour is very pale and her face is orange and the rest is white like paper.

shes a state and no boys like her but she thinks theyre all over her.

so anywayyy

boys like natural babes xxDo guys like Girls that wear make up or are all natural?
Boys are going to say that they do not like makeup but they are idiots.

They usually cannot tell when a girl wears makeup, so if they can tell, that means the girl is using the wrong colors or not blending it in properly which just looks bad, period. (If you do not believe it, just try an experiment. One day wear foundation, bronzer, blush, eyeliner, mascara, and lipgloss but blend it lightly and make it look natural and ask if a boy if you have too much makeup. Then the next day, put on nothing but a bright orange lipstick and ask someone if you have too much makeup. Twenty bucks says most people do not even realize you are wearing makeup with the first look but think you have way too much with the second look).

But to answer the question as simply as possible, guys like makeup, but they like natural looking makeup, not bright colors, powder flaking, or any of that other crap.
First of all, I am not a guy, but have something to say on your subject.

It really shouldn't matter what they like. You are the one, who is wearing it.

For the most beautiful women, other than when acting or whatever, you will find they want to have that natural beauty allure.

You should experiment with makeup and find how you want to look and go for it.

In all my beauty products and especially perfumes, I have found that using less is always best.

And last but not least, the quy will usually tell you if he doesn't like something.
If I were picking between the two, I'd pick natural--just so I'd recognize the person I'm waking up next to. (Seriously now.) The best look is one that is light on the makeup. You do use mascara and maybe a lipstick that is close to a natural color. Maybe some eyeliner or a little eye shadow if you have pale skin that hides your features. But not a painted face.
nah...make up can look bad when too much is on. just put on VERY little. natural beauty is the ****

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